Monday, May 9, 2011

Africa Network Campaign On Education For All [ancefa], Dakar, Senegal, West Africa

ANCEFA was established to promote and strengthen the capacity of African civil society in its campaign for access to a free and quality education.

WiLDAF/FeDDAF, Dakar, Senegal, West Africa

Created in 1990, WiLDAF/FeDDAF is a network which goal is to promote and strengthen strategies that link law and development for the emergence of a culture for the exercise and respect of women’s rights in Africa. It is the only pan-African regional network dedicated to the promotion of women’s rights as an integral part of development.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Enda Maghreb, Dakar, Senegal, West Africa

Enda Maghreb is the branch in Morocco of the international non-governmental organization enda whose headquarters is based in Dakar (Senegal). Enda Maghreb is an organization of associations and non-profit.

The mission that was assigned Enda Maghreb is to fight against poverty and to support a process of human development that respects the environment.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Transparency International Senegal, Dakar, West Africa

The Civil Forum is an association of civil society which was established in January 1993 based on a manifesto containing eleven principles guiding inspire the action of the association for:

Promoting a comprehensive and participatory democracy declined in all its dimensions: political, social, economic and cultural life;

The emergence of a new citizenship making a responsible and active citizen who is able to take into account their aspirations and by policy makers to demand respect for the principle of accountability;

Transparency, good governance and the fight against corruption;

Enhancement of national expertise and taking greater account of the technical objective in decision making.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Faro Foundation, Gouda, Senegal, West Africa

In the winter of 2000 Wim Wijting founded the Faro Foundation. His goal: to close the digital gap and make up for the loss of speed with which the developing countries are on the road to development. The means: entrepreneurship.

According to Wijting, an entrepreneur in heart and soul, entrepreneurship is the way to make the economy bloom without making the country dependant on foreign funds.

This rade, not aid?method isn't one of the pet notions of the Dutch ministry for Overseas Development by accident. Faro realized this and created durable partnerships with local entrepreneurs, preferably women.

In collaboration with a Senegalese entrepreneur the first cybercafe Lynda was opened as a pilot project in September 2001. The caf?has since transformed into an information center where both the local population and tourist can use the phone, do word processing, send e-mails and browse the Internet.

Today the Senegalese entrepreneur is already making money thanks to the cybercafe. Besides the revenues from the services he provides, he is also making money by giving courses and training the local population. For one hour per week, the center is at the disposal of the inhabitants of the village free of charge.

The main Internet center of the Faro Foundation is situated at Sokone. In this center Faro offers basic PC and Internet courses to the scholars and students of Sokone and surroundings, and Internet access at a reduced rate. The local people show more interest everyday.

That is why the Faro Foundation is continually looking for additional financial resources to be able to continue operating and expand the first center. Three new locations were found for the upcoming Faro centers. The goal is to open a dozen centers across Senegal in a few years.